A PEPYSIAN GARLAND - online book

Black-letter Broadside Ballads Of The years 1595-1639

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17   Braue high-buylt Houses, on the earth, The quaking earth shall lay,
When many at their Feastes and mirth,
Their iocund sports and play
(Mistrusting no such thing) are set, Our sinnes desart we still forget. O Lord. &c.
18   Then (for a time) the Seas grow calme, The Skies are cleere, and still: Which time of stilnesse (like to Balme) Cures many, greefe would kill:
But when our hopes stand faire for peace Our sorrowes shall againe increase. O Lord. &c.
19   An other Earthquake presently, Heart-wounding sorrow brings, Remoouing Houses, Churches, hie Hils, Trees, and other things.
Our sinnes, like Hidras heads, increase, How should our plagues and torments cease ? O Lord. &c.
20   It is the part (Boetius sayes) Of men discreete and wise,
Of wonderous thinges to search the cause:
For tis the Simples guise,
To gaze vpon the thing that's done, and nere looke how, or why't begun. O Lord. &c.
21    Then let vs search into the cause Of these, with Plagues are past, That to repentance they may drawe's And to amend at last.
The cause is Sin, our Sinn's the cause: Neclect of Gods decrees, and lawes. O Lord, &c.
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